Saturday, February 16, 2013

Art Classes 2013

Hey Everyone!! I have a super exciting announcement. Art classes are back!!! I know it's been months of anticipation and I am sorry for the prolonged delay. There has been a tremendous amount of change in my life over the past while that required all of my attention and energy. I missed making art with you all and I hope you are just as excited to have the opportunity to create again. I want to thank all of you for being so patient and understanding. Your support has been a ray of sunshine and will be treasured in my heart for a long time. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!! xo

I also used this time away from teaching and sharing my passion with you to reflect on the classes. What was working, what I could improve on, and how I can provide a better experience for you all.
My goal is ensure I provide you with the most enjoyable and educational experience while keeping the prices at an affordable level. I also need to consider my work and love that goes into these classes both behind the scenes and in class. So with great reflection and consideration I will now share with you the changes of the class structure. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

I will now be posting classes for three months at a time. The first batch will be March, April, and May. Seats fill up quickly so be sure to save your spot by confirming via email to myself either on my Facebook page, or at Unfortunately just clicking the 'going' or 'maybe' option in the event on Facebook is not official confirmation. A private message or email must be sent to confirm your seat. I will then send you directions and a materials list if required.

Classes will be broken into four categories. 1 hour, 1.5 hours, and 2 hours and Specialty classes.  Materials may be extra and if so it will be stated in the class description. In the event that materials are extra you  can choose to pay an additional fee to have materials included.
Class descriptions including fees and seat availability can be found under the 'Events' section on my page as well as on my website.

Private Individual Lessons are $30.00 for the first hour, and an additional $15.00 per additional hour. Materials may be extra and if so it will be stated. In the event that materials are extra you can choose to pay an additional fee to have materials included.

Private Group Lessons are $20.00 per person for the first hour, and an additional $5.00 per additional hour. Materials may be extra and if so it will be stated in the class description. In the event that materials are extra you can choose to pay an additional fee to have materials included. Private group lessons require a minimum of 3 people and a maximum of 5.

All classes including private group lessons have a maximum of  5 seats.

Payment for classes must be made in cash. I will accept e-transfers if the payment transaction is made and accepted prior to the class.

In the event that you have to cancel your seat please give me at least 24 hours notice. Contact me through private message on my Facebook page or by e-mail at  This allows others who may be interested in coming enough notice so they can liberate their inner artist as well. If you have to cancel the day of classes you still have to pay for your seat. We will discuss payment arrangements privately.
Given that it is still winter the following rules will apply. Classes will resume as long as local businesses are open. If they begin to close, I will also cancel classes for the night and reschedule. I will post updates regarding cancellations on my Facebook page so be sure to follow.

Loyalty Cards
Satisfy your inner artist! Attend 5 classes and get your 6th class free! This card is only valid for public classes and does include private lessons or private groups. Materials are extra unless you are attending the 'Intuitive Expressions' class or 'Pepperoni & Pointillism' class.