Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays : Living Your Priorities

About two years ago, I made an incredibly difficult decision. I had to face my fears and look deep within to find the courage to take this huge risk. In no means was it easy. Today, I reflect back on the decisions I made to shift my focus and organize my priorities. So many wonderful things have come into my life since doing so. Albeit I still have much more work ahead of me to continue to 'live with my priorities' and I am encouraged to do so after experiencing the benefits that I have seen and lived thus far. Today's affirmation echoes just that.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

Living Your Priorities
Here is a simple way to get in touch with your priorities. Imagine that you have an incurable illness and are given six months to live. As the doctors inform you of their findings, see yourself accepting your imminent mortality with the resolve, "I am going to spend the last months of my life living to the fullest, doing those things that are truly important to me." Then imagine yourself  living out those six months in the manner in which you decided. 
Afterwards, note your experience. During your remaining days, what did you do, who did you see, and where did you go? What do these choices say about what's really important to you - your values and priorities? Are you living them today?  If you are not, you may want to learn from Tony's story. 
After being diagnosed with AIDS, Tony decided to embrace life. He bought a house, planted a garden, and nurtured his important relationships. As a result he lived the remaining three years of his life in pure joy. 
The tragedy is that his life ended just as he was beginning to live.  Why wait for a life-threatening experience to motivate you to take action? Confront your fears and pursue what brings you happiness and joy. There is no better time than now. 

         1. I am in touch with my priorities, and I act on them                                                                              
         2. By living each day as though it were my last, I experience the fullness of life
         3. I am fully and freely expressing who I am 
         4. I release whatever fears are holding me back
         5. I have the courage to take risks
         6. Your own _________________________


Monday, January 30, 2012

All Aboard the 'Good News Train'!

Covered in paint, lost in canvas and the sweet sounding music of a new band I discovered 'The Cook Trio' , at last I was back in the Spidey Cave.  I felt my soul awaken  as my creative block lifted allowing my imaginative energy to freely flow. It was as though I was reborn. And with this, my first few paintings of 2012 have been created! Want to hear more exciting news? I've been invited to participate in an upcoming local art show! At this point in time, I am still awaiting details of the show. I am expecting to hear back this week, so although I finished my first few paintings last week, I have decided to wait until the show is set up before posting the new works on my blog, website and Facebook page. OoOooO the suspense hehe.

The 'Good News Train' doesn't stop there though. I also discovered last night, thanks to Beth, that there is yet another art show coming up that supports a local women's shelter. Well that instantly caught my attention. Of course I want to be involved with such a wonderful cause. I am able to contact one of the organizers tomorrow to find out more information. In the meantime there is nothing holding me back from playing with paints and canvas!

So much mystery! I'm beginning to think this may be a theme for my artistic aspect of life this year. Under any other circumstances, so much unknown would typically influence me to distance myself or become frustrated with the lack of information. I tend to find the need to soak up every tidbit of information and over analyze it before making decisions. 2012 must be a year of change, I have yet to feel any sense of hesitation or worry. Instead I find myself trusting the process and taking leaps of faith. With such incredible opportunities presenting themselves to me I am so glad this new change has been a natural transition and development of personal growth. The challenge is now to find a way to implement and practice this new growth in other areas of my life ;) I think the best way to start is by choosing to use my energy to create instead of worry as I await the details of these shows! I hope you all create yourself a wonderful day filled with happiness and less worry!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays : The True Treasure

It's Tuesday again, and today's excerpt from Bloch's book is waiting to be shared.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

The True Treasure

Consider the following story of misplaced priorities. While hiking in the wilderness, I met a man whose T-shirt carried the following message: "He who dies with the most toys, wins."
As I pondered those words, I was sure the author meant the opposite of what he said.  No one on his deathbed ever stated, "I wish I had of spent more time at the office."  We were put on this earth not to accumulate "toys", but to reap the gifts of the spirit.  These gifts come to us when we dedicate our lives to something greater than ourselves - a path of service in the world, the raising  of a loving family, the creation of beauty through art, or any passion that inspires one. 
          Having lived in this manner, you can look back over your life, with a real sense of fulfillment. By
          following the path of peace, love, and joy, you will discover your true treasure - one that
         transcends life itself. 

         He who dies, having followed his heart, wins. 

         1. Joy is my compass.
         2. As I follow the path of my heart, I discover my true treasure.
         3. I release my unnecessary attachments to people, things, or situations in the world. 
         4. My spiritual growth is my top priority. 
         5. When I am being true to the highest and best in me, the rest of my life falls into place. 
         6. Your own ____________________________.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays : Be True To You

Well I opened the book today hoping that today's affirmation would be on motivation, seeing how I seemed to have lost mine a few days ago. The first two were truly fitting each week with what I had going on. My that sounds a little selfish, but it's honest ;).  Although I didn't find any inspiration on how to rebuild my inner catalyst, or even how to awake it from it's winter hibernation, I was surprised with the message Bloch did offer. It tied in very well with a conversation I shared with someone last week. A little over a year ago I began implementing the below affirmations. Though it was incredibly hard at first, the power of being true to myself has proven to be the most rewarding and liberating journey I have embarked on yet. Opening this page today has been a well needed reminder to keep on marching to my own drum.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

To Thine Own Self Be True

"To thine own self be true." "Live the life you were meant to live." "Be the person you were meant to be." These statements covey a wonderful truth - that when we go inside and trust our intuition, life opens before us. When we ignore our inner learnings, however, trouble arises.
 Joe had a love of the outdoors; but like his father, he became addicted to his work. Though he built up a successful law practice, Joe felt creatively stifled and inwardly desolate. One day Joe was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Realizing he had nothing to lose, he decided to pursue his passion and hike the Pacific Crest trail. Six months later his tumor disappeared
 Trying to live out somebody else's life script us like putting a size 10 foot into a size 7 shoe. The size simply does not fit. No matter how hard you force yourself to adjust to your situation, the discomfort continues. 
 Why not start off with the right fit? Acknowledge your unique gifts and talents, as well as your wants and needs. Then seek out situations and circumstances that will allow them their full expression. This route may take time, but the results are worth it: a life of peace and fulfillment that comes from being true to yourself. - page 32


  1.  I am actualizing the highest and best that is within me.
  2.  I am true to myself. 
  3. Being honest with myself helps me to be honest with others.
  4. I give myself the freedom to discover and pursue my own path. 
  5. I march to the beat of my own drum - and create wonderful music
  6. Your own _________________

Monday, January 16, 2012

It's a Celebration!

A year ago this month, I launched my Sadie Jane Collection Facebook page! I want to thank every single person who helped make this past year unforgettable. I had no idea when I started this a year ago how incredible of a journey it would become. As a way of thanking you, I will be offering 15% off on all paintings until January 31, 2012! Feel free to invite your friends to the party!
 ☮ ♥ ㋡

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mama Called The Doctor...

and the doctor said "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Actually, no one called the doctor. Though I might have to if I don't soon get better. This stomach bug has been testing my last nerve for days now. I had to cancel a weekend adventure, I can't remember the last time I ate something besides Popsicles and never got sick. The worst part though is feeling like I'm going to get sick when I move even a little bit, and not having the energy to go play with Owen who had a sleepover last night. I can hear him laughing and singing and being awesome downstairs and I'm still bundled up in bed trying to tell my belly it's at peace and is calm so I won't get sick again.

With all this time I've been spending in bed I had the option to either catch a bad case of cabin fever or try to be semi productive to save my sanity. I am so thankful for the internet! I decided to start working on one of my goals for 2012. I researched how to make a raised garden bed, I even found a few tutorial videos that helped clarify some of the directions. I'm really keen on this one particular style of bed, though I'm sure it will cost me a bit more than your basic 4 pieces of wood, but it is only the middle of January yet. I can start saving and splurge a little...right? The picture below is my new inspiration. It actually is a kit that you can order (for a ridiculous amount of money), however I think with some recycled materials, a splash of paint and some ingenuity I could make this bed fit my budget and my style. What do you think of it? It reminds me of The Secret Garden. It's also great for keeping out hungry and curious animals too.
Ok, so I found a raised bed style that I like. I know what kinds of vegetables, fruits and herbs I would like to see growing in my little garden, so the next step is to explore companion planting. I learned this term when my darling friend Cole had a garden plot with Memorial University's community garden last year. I found a neat website that offers charts for companion planting not only for what I intend on planting but for flowers as well. My thumb isn't that green yet though so I'll be focusing on the veggies, fruits and herbs and hope for the best! 

I remember in 2004, a lady I had met gave me some seeds to plant Stargazer Lilies. I love those flowers. At the time I was not a fan of dirt and all the creepy crawlers that played in it (I'm still not, but if I want to grow organically and consume my own produce, then I must learn to be brave!). So I went out one afternoon, designed my flower bed shape, spent hours finding the perfect rocks to frame by bed, dug out the soil, planted the seeds, watered them and waited. I sang to those seeds, I gave them the best TLC I could offer and do you know what happened? The only thing that grew was a TURNIP!! Where did that come from? To this day it remains a mystery. I hope this year I will have better success.

I was going to sign off here and make myself a sandwich and hope for the best, and then my tummy started doing an angry dance. I should go try to settle it down a bit. 

Hope you created yourself a great weekend, and enjoy what's left of it! 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays : Your Life Is Your Art

It's Tuesday! Which means I'm back for my second 'Thoughtful Tuesday'. I'm really excited about the affirmation and meditation this week. Last week's focus was 'Dream To Be Practical', which coincidently played into the theme of starting a new year with new goals. A wonderful tool to help me focus, I hope you found the same. As always, my brain has been spinning with new ideas, potential creative adventures and a fresh outlook on artistic opportunities. I find it uncanny that this week's affirmation unknowingly plays into that frame of thinking.

Again, the following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

Your Life Is Your Art

A short time ago, a friend handed me the following credo. It read:
This is the artist's dream:
To receive the inspiration to create,
To share that creation with others, 
And to be totally supported in the process.
I asked him to explain further. "It all begins with inspiration," he said, "an inspiration that calls us to create. Once the inspiration is received, then we can bring that vision to the world as a song, painting, book, invention, new business - or any other tangible form.
"After the creation is born, it needs to be shared with others. No one creates in a vacuum. It is only when the vision is successfully communicated to its intended audience that it truly comes alive.
 "Finally, the artist needs to be supported for what he does. If he has made a positive connection with his audience, the support will come - financially and emotionally. And while it may not always be there immediately it will ultimately arrive. This is where the artist needs to trust and be patient."
This dream is not just the artist's dream. It is our dream as well. Through our work or play, job or family, vocation or avocation, you can experience the joy of creating, sharing, and being acknowledged. Experience this creative process and you will never grow old in spirit. Have you ever known an artist or dreamer who "retired"? - page 30

          1.  I am receiving the inspiration to create - and am able to carry it out. 
          2.  I am joyfully sharing my creations with others. 
          3.  I have a dream. 
          4.  I am drawing to myself the people, circumstances, and finances that           will make my dream come true. 
          5. My work is love in action. 
          6. Your own __________________________ 
Now I find myself, despite the long day I had itching to get down into the Spidey Cave and create!  I hope this creates a similar reaction for you.  


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays

Happy New Year everyone!!

Here it is, my first blog of 2012! Sadly my brain feels like a bowl of mashed potatoes, it's been a very long and trying day but I really am determined to get this post up. In November, Beth and I spent a weekend with Karen E. I am very lucky to be surrounded by so many incredible and inspiring strong women! Karen has a fabulous library which she let me dip into that Sunday when I was itching for a good lazy day read. I plucked out a fabulous book by Douglas Bloch. It's titled "Listening To Your Inner Voice", which at the time was exactly what I needed to read. Too often I tend to ignore my inner voice, my instincts and end up wishing I had of stayed true to myself. Inside these short 147 pages, Bloch  discuses the power of affirmations, and distinguishes the difference between your inner voice, which brings you "inner peace" and your "false voice" which presents itself in the forms of fear, anxiety, judgement etc. I highly recommend this book  to anyone who wants to enhance their relationship with their self and strengthen their inner voice.

Thankfully Karen let me bring this book home so I could continue reading it. Here I was taking pictures of almost every page with my phone haha. Clearly this book really spoke volumes with me. So much, that I wanted to share it with YOU! Tthe first 26 pages of the book is definitely worth reading if you get the opportunity. However it's the remainder of the book that has inspired me to begin a 52 week blog! (Can you say another goal for 2012?) Each Tuesday, I will post a new meditation and affirmation exercise from the book. While Bloch offers several ways to go about selecting these 52 affirmations, I will post them in order as presented in the book.

So here we go! (Weee! I'm so excited. I was going to start this the day I got the book, but I thought it'd be more fitting to start with a new year). The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

To Dream Is to Be Practical
 Recently a filmmaker friend approached me with good news. He had just received a grant to do a documentary. "I can't believe it," he said. "I'm finally getting paid for my work. I can't believe how luck I am to be doing this"
After our conversation, I thought: "This person believes that he is earning a living in spite of doing what he loves; but the reality is just the opposite. It is because he is following his passion that he prospers. As he aligns himself with his higher purpose, the Universe cannot help but make straight, smooth, and perfect his way"
 People who says, "Be Practical" don't realize that following your heart is the most the practical thing one can do. There is no greater way to ensure success than being true to who you are. On the other hand, there is nothing more likely to block that success than turning away from your calling. Living at cross-purposes with your true nature creates struggle and lack of fulfillment at a deep level. It is hard to be someone other than yourself.
The lesson is clear: As impractical as it may sound, the safest and most secure way to lead your life is to follow your dream. - page 28

  1. I advance confidently in the direction of m dreams.
  2. I am grateful for having found my calling.
  3. God does great things through me.
  4. By following my heart, I prosper.
  5. I have wonderful work in a wonderful way; I give wonderful service for wonderful pay.
  6. Your Own ______________________________ - page 29

           - Bloch, Douglas. Listening To Your Inner Voice. CompCare Publishers. 1991.Print

Ok seriously? How fabulous was that? Or is it just me? I hope you enjoyed this, because there is 51 more to come! So Tuesdays are now dedicated to the wonderful thoughts of Douglas Bloch and your inner voice!

And now it's time for this old bird to relax before getting some shut eye!