Saturday, March 31, 2012

Switch Off for Earth Hour 2012

Tonight at 8:30, we 'switched off' all the lights, gathered around the table that was filled with lit candles and played some games! We were joining a global event as we participated in Earth Hour.

More than 5,200 cities and towns in 135 countries worldwide switched off their lights for Earth Hour 2011, sending a powerful message for action on climate change. It also ushered in a new era with members going Beyond the Hour to commit to lasting action for the planet. Without a doubt, it’s shown how great things can be achieved when people come together for a common cause. -
I remember last year, Earth Hour happened to fall on my surprise birthday party that Beth had planned for me. So as guests arrived to the house, they were greeted by a world of streamers, balloons, tie dye and candles! Not a light was on. We lined the hallway with tea lights so people could make their way to the kitchen to refill their refreshments. There were oodles of candles on the kitchen table, the bathroom, and the living room where we all sat around on the floor. A few people kicked up a fuss about not being able to turn on the tv, or music, but that soon faded as we found 'new' ways to entertain ourselves. I remember us looking out the windows to see how many other homes had turned off their lights. At that time I was living in the MUN area, and was amazed at how dark that area of St. John's was. So proud of my neighbourhood!

Where I live right now, it's hard to spy on the neighbours to see if they too were participating in Earth Hour. The one house I could see, across the way, seemed to have every single light on! I was pretty tempted to march right over with my candle in hand, and educate them a little before requesting they too shut out their lights. I stopped myself though after a few moments of rational thinking, and returned to the kitchen table where a pile of games were waiting to be played. Haha.

Here are a few pictures from tonight's celebration.

Did you participate in Earth Hour? Share your stories in the comments below! And remember that even though tonight was a global event, you can have your own Earth Hour any day(s) of the year. I try to be very 'light-wise' in my nest. If I'm not in the room, there's no need for a light!

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