Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays : All Assignments Are Equal

I just love today's post from Bloch's book. Even though some of the wording and vocabulary choice isn't a reflection of my beliefs, the overall message leaves me covered in goosebumps as it is a solid reminder of how I have been trying to live my life, and has gently helped me refocus and given me the motivation to get back to that way of thinking and living. Since leaving the 'safety' of my home and moving to a new place, it has been far too easy to sway from my journey of self discovery and attempt to 'fit in' to my new surroundings. This has come with a cost, and at times have left me feeling as though I have only cheated myself by not speaking up when I strongly disagreed with something being said, or have said or done something else that is not a true reflection on myself all for the cause of wanting to 'belong'. My inner voice has been ignored far too many times since moving here, and I today's excerpt from Douglas Bloch's book is a wonderful motivation to start being true to myself again. I hope you too are able to gain from this.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

All Assignments Are Equal

As each of us get in touch with the specific ways to serve, it is tempting to judge the importance of our work by comparing it to someone else's achievements. And when that person or group earns more money, receives more praise and recognition, or influences more people, our efforts may feel diminished in stature. 
 But the truth of the matter is that the spiritual path is not a "numbers game." Ways of serving cannot be compared to one another. In spirit's eyes, each mission us just as important as the next. All assignments are equal. 
A director of a school for emotionally handicapped children says about her work, "My job is ton serve with joy and to let spirit work through me. It is up to God, not me, to determine how many kids I actually reach. Ultimately, the numbers are not important; for if only one soul's life has been changed through this work, it has been worth it."
Like this woman, your job is to discover what your purpose is - and then fulfill it. It does not  matter how small your contribution may seem. You have a special part to play that no one else can duplicate, In God's eyes, all assignments are equal.

   1. I appreciate and acknowledge myself for the contribution I am making.  
   2. I appreciate and acknowledge others for the contributions they are making. 
   3. I am exactly where I need to be.
   4. I am guided by spirit to my divinely designed calling.
   5. I find intrinsic pleasure and satisfaction in the work I do.
   6. Your Own __________________________________.

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