Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays : Claim Your Inheritance

I have been making a conscious effort to practice what today`s excerpt explores since 2009. I had tried this many times before throughout my life, while holding more doubt than openness in my heart. So when a series of events led to some major life changes for me in 2009, I decided to let go of any hesitations I may have been holding on to, and trust the process. Obviously what I had been doing before was not working for me. The second affirmation posted below is one I must remind myself of at all times, for it is this very one that holds me back from continuing to interact with the universe, giving myself permission to ask for what I need. We must remember that we are all equal and of deserving of positivity and we must remember that what we receive can be passed on to others through our actions and words to keep this harmony in balance.
I have seen how the universe listens and responds. I have experienced the `claiming of my inheritance`.  It is truly a wonderful gift.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

Claim Your Inheritance

Throughout spiritual traditions, human beings are depicted as the children of a loving Creator who offered us His kingdom. Repeatedly we hear that abundance, joy, and prosperity are at hand right now. Yet though the harvest is here, "the laborers are few." Why is this so?

In spiritual life there exists a law called the law of demand and supply. Before substance can manifest itself, a need must be expressed. For example, if I desire to buy a home, this 'demand' creates a force of attraction that will draw my home to me. The request comes first , the demonstration comes second. If you do not ask, you will not receive.

Many factors limit what we are willing to ask for. We tell ourselves, "I don't deserve it; I'm not good enough." "How can I succeed when others have failed before me?" "Why should I have when others do not?"

In order to harvest the fields of plenty, we must plow up and discard these weeds of unworthiness, doubt, and guilt. Such self-imposed beliefs block the good that is our rightful gift. Affirm your own worthiness to partake of life's bountiful harvest. Then go forth to claim your Divine inheritance.


1.   I am a child of God, and therefore deserve all of God's good.*
2.  I release any feelings of unworthiness that keeps out the good.
3.  I go forth to claim my Divine inheritance of love, health, success, and prosperity.
4. As my cup runs over, I share my blessings with all whom I meet.
5. I am open to receive.
6. Your Own ___________.

*Feel free to replace the word God with a name, or word that reflects your own personal beliefs.*

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