Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Turning Lead into Gold

As I was reading and posting today's excerpt from Douglas Bloch's book, I couldn't help but feel this sense of reassurance that I am headed in the right direction. For those of you who have read my post about my celebration sale , you may recall me saying how I had an idea of how the next ten months would unfold and then the universe stepped in and decided to make some bigger and unexpected plans. A few months ago, had I not been working on so hard on my personal growth, I  may have handled this in an unhealthy way, feeling as though I were being victimized. Thankfully the universe has blessed me with many opportunities to grow over recent months and when it presented me with these challenges, I believe I responded in a way that reflects the message being given here in today's post. My world changed on such a tremendous level four days ago in so many unexpected ways. While there were many beautiful positive changes, there were also some challenging and not so exciting changes as well. Luckily with my new attitude towards life I was able to respond to these challenges presented to me by life in a productive, and fairly optimistic way. Today's post confirms with me that I am doing the best I can right now. I hope you are able to take as much from it as I have.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

Turning Lead into Gold

John Lennon once said, "Life is what happens to us when we are busy making other plans." As you follow the path of the inner voice with its fruits of peace and joy, you will also encounter your share of tests and challenges. While it is natural to ask, "Why me?" when adversity strikes, feeling victimized leaves you powerless to change the situation. 

A better approach is to emulate the "triumphant survivors," those individuals who emerge from their ordeals strengthened and renewed. They understand the universal law that every adversity contains within it the seeds of an equivalent or greater good. The triumphant survivor says, "I would rather not have to deal with this challenge, but as long as I  must, I will use it as an opportunity to grow and transform."

When adversity is faced in this way, miracles happen. The apparent curse becomes a divine blessing. Uninvited situations bring life-changing lessons. Here, then, is the alchemical secret - by using everything for our spiritual growth we become a victor instead of a victim. By looking for the good in all things, we turn lead into gold.

1. I see all challenges as disguised opportunities.
2. God is working through each and every circumstance in my life.*
3. I am a more loving and wise person because of what I have gone through.
4. When I can't change the situation, I change my attitude.
5. I give thanks for everything just the way it is.
6. Your Own ___________________.

* Please feel free to change the word 'God' to fit your beliefs. This is what was written in the book, but use what works for you.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Celebrate With Me!

It's celebration time folks! I've just began a new chapter of my life with my partner. Life has a strange way of changing your plans that you create. None of this was supposed to happen for at least another ten months. At least I didn't think they were supposed to happen. The universe had bigger plans for us though. Now, although unprepared, we are able to start this beautiful journey together. We just moved into our first house this weekend. It's been a blur trying to get everything together and in order. All while helping Beth with her move at the same time and searching for a new job! Yes that's right, the universe has decided to close some doors that needed closing and open so many new wonderful doors of opportunity.

With so many new and exciting things happening I thought I would share the celebrations with you! I started a sale on Friday, 25% off all paintings! That's right. From now until June 15th you can get lost in a world of colour and save money while you're at it.  Normally I put the money that I make from my paintings back into my art supplies, but for this sale it's going towards items we need for our new nest and our trip back to Newfoundland to get the rest of our belongings out from storage.

As always, payment plans are available. So if you or anyone you know needs some colour in their world you now know where to go!

To view my art work you can pop by my Facebook page, or head over to my website. I haven't updated my website recently though, so you will find all my available paintings over on Facebook. You can contact me at sadiejane26@hotmail.ca to place your order and discuss payment plan options.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays : The Wounded Healer

It was only a few days ago that I was having a fairly deep conversation that relates to today's post, with someone who I admire, respect, and learn so much from. In fact, she is the owner of this book, and let me borrow me back in the fall. While we sat outside enjoying the warm spring weather we focused on two main points. First we spoke of the pain (or in this case "wounds") that we all experience. It can be hard to watch a loved one have to go through a painful journey, and yet as much as we want them to not have to suffer, we have no right in asking a higher power to make it easier for them, or wishing it for them. This is their journey, and right now this is a learning opportunity for chance to grow from whatever challenge they are faced with. If we ask for this circumstance to be easy and pass quickly for this individual, they may miss out on a chance to grow from whatever challenge they are faced with. This may be a critical piece of their life journey. We can send them love and support, but we have no right to try and change it for them.
Which brought us to our next focus. Despite all the horrible "wounds" that have happened to us in our life (there has been a significant amount of wonderful too, we were just focusing on the 'perceived' negative) I shared how I  would not change a single thing. I've heard many times before from loved ones 'I wish I could have protected you, I wish I knew you then so I could have stopped this from happening, I wish I wish I wish'. Well I do not wish these things away. Though they were terrible things, painful "wounds", together, mixed in with the positive experiences as well, they have shaped me into the individual I am today. I am still healing from some of these wounds, and others have left tremendous scars on my soul. Regardless, who I am today has been greatly influenced from what I learned as I nurtured my 'wounds'. And so I share with you, today's Thoughtful Tuesday's post. Perhaps it will help you 'change the focus' if you are currently faced with something difficult, or challenging.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

The Wounded Healer

Consider the following situations. A person born with a cleft palate becomes a surgeon specializing in the repair of the cleft palates. A stutterer who corrects his problem becomes a speech therapist. A recovering alcoholic now works as a drug rehabilitation counselor. These individuals are living the story of the "wounded healer" - a person who uses the understanding gained in his own healing to assist others with the same problem. 

A modern example of the wounded healer can be seen in the life of Bill W., the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A). Faced with an illness over which he was powerless, Bill W. joined forces with Dr. Bob Smith to create a society of fellow sufferers. Since its inception in 1953, A.A has become a source of healing and inspiration to millions of alcoholics around the world. The immensity of Bill W.'s suffering was redeemed by the infinite good that it accomplished. 

Because we all  suffer spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical "wounds," each of us has the capacity to be a wounded healer. Think back to times that you have been most effective in helping others. You will no doubt find that the wounds you helped to heal were the very same ones that you once overcame in your life. 

Thus, if you are dealing with a wound in your life right now, realize that one day your hurt will be a healing balm for another wounded soul. For this, give thanks. 


1. I know that the wounds in my life have a purpose and meaning.
2. Using the understanding and compassion gained from my own recovery, I reach out to others in the  same situation.
3. I give thanks for my ability to be of service in this way.
4. My hurt can be a healing balm for the suffering of others.
5. I have discovered a hidden blessing in my situation.
6. Your Own _____________.

Monday, May 21, 2012

May 2-4 Adventures

What a fabulous May 2-4 weekend! For those of you don't know, May 2-4 is a long weekend here in Canada to celebrate the Queen's birthday. Victoria day is a public holiday here which is marked on the last Monday before May 25th. It also happens to be the long weekend that kicks off the summer season! I've noticed that it's not so much a big deal here in Nova Scotia as it is back home on the Rock. Not sure what's up with that, but it sure never held me back from creating a good one!

Friday I woke up feeling a little bit crooked. Even the glorious sun couldn't convince me to get out of bed at first. So I threw on a documentary, Munay Ki: Healing the Luminous Body and before I knew it, despite my interest in the film, I was soon back in dreamland. Beth woke me up practically singing about how beautiful it was outside. So I decided it was time for some serious opposite action. Despite my foul mood, I got up did some nesting. Soon Beth returned home with a Big Mac 'Happy Meal' to help cheer me up! How sweet is that? But her generosity didn't end there, she also let me borrow her car so I could escape to Joggins for a few hours of peacefulness. Was it ever. I was able to remain present for the two hours I was there on the beach. Watching the tide go out, hearing the waves crash , feeling the salt air tangle my hair. It was exactly what I needed.

Saturday we hung out around the nest. Beth and I had some 'nail therapy' on the back deck as we soaked up the sunshine. I tell ya, I may know how to handle a paint brush, but when it comes to painting my nails, the final result is not too appealing haha. I fired up the BBQ and we had some burgers for lunch. After a full day in the sun, we headed out to the beach for a birthday party. Our friend Fran was the beautiful birthday girl. It was so lovely to be in her company with a campfire on the beach. And the spread of food she had!!! Delicious! We had everything from mango salad, to chicken kababs, quinoa, thai noodles, quiche, and fiddle heads. Yes I finally tried fiddle heads! I really like them too.

Sunday was 'Family Funday Sunday'! Beth made the best picnic spread I've ever seen! We had three choices of sandwiches, muffins, cheese and crackers, dip and baked pitas, fruit salad, and potato salad! We loaded up the car bright and early and hit the road. Some of you may remember my blog from the fall where Beth had taken me on a scenic drive that reminded me of home. On Sunday, took that same adventure route again. Only we started with Joggins this time, then on to Apple River, Driftwood beach in Advocate, Cape d'Or, and finished at Five Islands. In Cape d'Or we stopped and had a super awesome picnic that Beth had made for us! It was so tasty!

With all that adventuring I was pretty tired today. Owen slept over last night so this morning we got up and had a yummy breakfast and then headed out to the bird sanctuary for a little adventure. When we got home I did some nesting and then when he went for his nap, I joined too! haha. Naps are the end of me! I slept for the three hours he slept, and I am still trying to wake up from it. So now I am making a stir fry for dinner and hope that will give me enough energy to finish up some laundry before I make an early visit to dreamland tonight.

Hope you all had a safe and mega fun May 2-4!

Joggins on Friday during my peaceful escape

Found this washed up on the beach. No idea what it's from, ohh the mystery!

Family Funday Sunday kicks off at Joggins where my little nephew dips his toes in the water

Making a wish at Apple River

Soaking up nature at Driftwood beach in my Project brEAThe shirt.

It's not every day you see a Dragon at Cape d'Or! We were excited.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays : Believe In Yourself

The timing of this excerpt once again leaves me with some goosebumps as I think about where I currently am in my journey through life.  I consider myself to be in a continuous state of transformation and transition, and yet I am finding myself on what may be the brink of a new opportunity to progress in my life. With so much unknown, excitement, hopes, fears, and anxiety it can be so easy for me to begin doubting my abilities. I find myself questioning my decision making and that is so not helpful!! I will definitely be giving today's excerpt some more attention, and will keep at least two or three of these affirmations near by as let go of some of my old ways and invite some of these new ideas into my my daily life, and ways of thinking.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

Believe In Yourself

The Universe by nature is loving and supportive. Successful people know how to tap this support by enlisting the cooperation of others in order to achieve their goals. They also know that to receive support, they must first support themselves. 

An entrepreneur once told his fellow inventors, "Before others will believe in you, you must believe in yourself. Your faith in yourself will attract investment capital more than any business plan could".

Unfortunately, the people who need the most support often have the hardest time asking for it. Growing up in an environment where love was denied, they don't believe they deserve it. This is why it is important to affirm our basic worthiness. 

People want to extend themselves to you; it feels good to give. Encourage them to do so by believing in yourself and reaching out for what you want. The Universe will reach back to take your hand. Believe in yourself and others will believe in you. It cannot be otherwise. 


1. I ask for what I want, and I receive it.
2. As my self-confidence grows, other people's confidence in my also expands.
3. I am worthy of success in all my endeavors.
4. The Universe supports me at all times and in all places.
5. I am attracting the people, finances, and circumstances to make my dreams come true.
6. Your Own _______________

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays : Each Must Carry His Own Burden

I've spent a lot of years working on my strong need to be a care giver. Learning how to step outside the role of 'rescuer' and allow others to grow from challenging experiences. I agree completely with this concept from today's excerpt. While offering someone support can be a great benefit for both the individual and yourself, it is important to know where to establish boundaries so that you do not put yourself at risk of giving too much of yourself to another person, and so they can also learn from the experience as well. It's all about balance. Although you may  not be able to help them to the extent you want, remember that using words of encouragement, hope, love, and remaining positive for them can make a world of a difference as well. Believe these messages as well. Believe in this person you love.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

Each Must Carry His Own Burden

One of the great spiritual truths is that each person must work out his or her own personal salvation. When a person you care about is in trouble, you can reach out to support his or her healing, but past a certain point you can do no more. No matter how much you love, you cannot carry another person's burdens. 

What can you do when someone you love is in pain? First affirm that there is a purpose behind the experience. Know that the soul has some important lesson to learn that will be of great value to him or her. 

Second, although you cannot directly intervene, your positive thoughts  and prayers do make a difference. Visualize your friend surrounded by light and love. This type of healing acts directly on the soul level and does not encounter resistance from the conscious mind.

Finally, know that Divine protection is present. The forces of light are always available to the person who requests help. Ultimately, no soul can be lost; as all who ask will be guided to the safety of their spiritual home. 


1. I take responsibility for my own life.
2. I allow others to take responsibility for their lives.
3. All things are working together for good in the lives of my loved ones.
4. I give others the freedom to discover and pursue their own paths.
5. I release the need to have others conform to my expectations.
6. Your Own ________________.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Sunshine, Bubbles, and Playdough

Today I had a mega fun play date with one of my little tater tot friends. You might remember her from our picnic in the woods. We got into all kinds of fun including making our own playdough! It was super easy to make and so much fun!! So I thought I would share the recipe with you. No matter what your age, playdough is always fun to squish between your fingers.

What you need:
1 cup of water
1 cup of salt
3 cups of flour
1/4 cup of cooking oil
food colouring
medium size sandwich bag (Ziploc)

3 Easy steps to follow:
1. Combine your water and oil in a big bowl. 
2. Add in your flour and salt and mix. Use your hands for squishy, slightly mess fun time!
3. Divide up the white playdough into the Ziploc bags, add a few squirts of food colouring,   squeeze out the air and lock bag. Then squish squish squish and watch the playdough change colour!

Remove from bag and play play play!!!

After all your hard work making playdough, be sure to take a break and enjoy some sunshine and bubbles! 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Through My Lens - Class 1

Photography (Greek) : to write light.  Photo means light and graph means write. 

Last night I went to my first ever photography class. I've been waiting for this night since Christmas morning - a present from Beth. I've had a keen interest for photography since 2004, when I received my first camera. My camera is with me at all times no matter where I am going. You never know when a photo opportunity will arise. The thing is though, despite living my life through a camera lens (when I'm not living it through paint and canvas haha), I have yet to learn about the technical side to photography. I just turn my camera on and snap to my hearts content. Luckily my past two cameras have had wonderful automatic settings on them, just turn the dial. When I purchased my new camera I quickly realized it's a bit of a hunt to find the automatic settings, and I'm not one for instruction manuals or the like. So the timing of this class was perfect.

There are four of us in the class. Myself, Beth, Karen T, and a gentleman from out of town. With six classes in total, we meet for about 2 hours. In this time we go over the language of photography, the technical aspects, and then go out and take some pictures. We end the class by reviewing each others photos.

We first examined our cameras, checked out the icons, and learned the importance of using the viewfinder. As silly as it sounds, I found this helpful. I RARELY use my viewfinder. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there were cobwebs on it haha. If the light of outdoors makes my screen dark, I photograph blindly, and hope for the best. I've lucked into a few great pictures that way...but I've also missed out on lots of photos this way. By default, my arms are stretched out so I can see the screen, which means shaking arms and a few extra blurry photos. Turns out, when you use the viewfinder, you have your arms tucked into you, creating a human tripod, which steadies the camera - *the more you know*. I was just soaking up this information, it's going to change my photography experience. I also know now what aperture means, and understand what speeds are best for particular pictures (ex; portrait, landscape, moving subject matter). We also discussed focus light, angles, frame, perspective, and details. I was amazed at the overlapping between drawing/painting and the terminology covered here tonight. Sure makes it easy to catch on.  The subject for this class was architecture, so when we 'went out into the field' for 20 minutes, we focused on the historical buildings on one of the main streets. Keeping in mind of what Joan has taught us, I changed my ISO to 100 (for better detail), had my F-Stop at 3.2 (because we couldn't figure out how to change it on my camera, I'll have to Google that after) and started getting as many pictures in as I could during the 20 minutes we had. Once I hear that first click, it's so hard to stop taking pictures.

This is what I saw through my lens

Our homework is to bring in a photo we have taken before of a building that we would want to enlarge to a 16x20 and then to take a new photo using our skills we learned tonight. You know what this means....an adventure is awaiting me!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Little Taste of Home

I spent the morning wearing my 'grown-up pants' as I efficiently worked through my To-Do list. As I scratched off the last priority item for the day, I realized it was only noon! So I traded in my 'grown-up pants' for my 'pirate pants', and I dropped one of my 'Scallywags' a message saying the 'Ship is setting sail at 1'. Naturally, she was on board. We hit the road, and I am proud to say I drove us to Joggins Fossil Cliffs! My first big driving adventure. The weather couldn't have been more perfect for this time of year, and our window of opportunity to walk the beach while the tide was out was ideal. I threw on my new orange rubber boots (they are awesome!) and off we went! We made a quick stop inside the tourist center. We both gravitated towards the giant box of Treasure Stones where we dived our hands into the pool of smooth stones. After picking out some treasures, we then made our way to the cliffs. The view was simply breathtaking. When my feet touched the rocky beach, I closed my eyes for a brief moment, and felt as though I was back home. It is so neat to walk around on the ocean floor when the tide goes out. Seeing the patterns created in the sand, the treasures that are left behind. Jackie spotted lots of beach glass, beach pottery, and interesting rocks, while I kept finding the most precious tiny sea shells. I could have spent hours there getting lost amongst the waves, the rocks, the beauty of it all, but we had a time limit. I know this spot will definitely be one I frequent though throughout the summer!

Photo credit to Jackie for this picture. Had to show off my new rubber boots! haha.   

And...drum roll please....my pirate treasure of the day: My Treasure Stones in the dreamcatcher basket Jackie made for me the other night.

Until the next advent-arrrr, this is Sadie, signing off! :)

Thoughtful Tuesdays : Let The Power Work Through You

What a refreshing message to help us welcome the start of a new month. As I was reading today's excerpt, I reflected on the month of April. I thought of all of the things I tried to control and the unfavourable outcomes that resulted when I stayed too focused on only one aspect - the struggle to get what I wanted.  Had I let go of the need to control, and stepped back to see the whole picture, perhaps the universe would have guided me to what I needed as well as what I wanted. Well, we live and learn hey b`y! I will use the ideas I learned from Bloch, as well as my past experiences and see if I can go with the flow of the universe and see where that takes me.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

Let The Power Work Through You

The times that life works best are when we get out of the way and let the power work though us.  The writer says of an inspired short story, "I didn't write this story; it seemed to write itself." After a record breaking performance an athlete recalls, "I just had an 'on' day. My shots kept falling in."
Each of us has had moments when we felt as if we were riding a crest of  a wave or were being pushed from behind by a gentle wind.  The more you can surrender to the universal energy and go with its flow, the easier life becomes.
Compare this experience to that of trying to control and manipulate life through the limited ego. Everything becomes a strain and an effort, a constant struggle. We tire easily. By the time we cross the finish line, we wonder if the race was worth running. 
A better way is stated by the paradox, "You give it all up to have it all." Whatever your current situation, step back and let the power work through you. You'll be amazed at the miracles that occur. When your will and the Higher will are aligned, all things become possible. 

1. I am a channel for a Higher wisdom.
2. Divine love uses me for its healing purposes.
3. I let go and let God.
4. I will Thy will.
5. I follow my intuition where it takes me.
6. Your Own ______________.

*Feel free to replace the word God with a name, or word that reflects your own personal beliefs.*