Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesday : Forgive and Move On

I think today's blog excerpt may be the hardest so far for me. While they are many things I can forgive, even some very hard things, there are a few key elements in my past that no matter how hard I try to forgive I seem unable. Perhaps it is the result of too much pain and anger. Or it could be that each attempt to forgive was infected by the toxic actions of those I was trying to forgive. I implement the affirmation number two in the list below daily, and am fairly successful at numbers three and four. While I cannot deny the impact of my past and how it effects me I am getting better at affirmation five and focusing on remembering other aspects of my past. I was once told by a very wise person that I can choose to rewrite my past starting today and create a new history for myself. It certainly is a great way to help and change your focus. As for affirmation number one, I'm just not there yet. There are certain things in life I've learned to forgive and forget, but there are others that I simply cannot forget at all. Granted I hope as I continue my journey through this lifetime and continue to learn and grow, I will be able to accomplish this great concept. So with my little rant out of the way, I hope you are able to find this far less challenging than myself, or if not, be able to step up to the challenge and see where this takes you.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

*Feel free to change the word 'God' to fit your belief system. I directly quoted Bloch's work.

Forgive and Move On

An essential aid to following the path of the inner voice is practicing forgiveness. Resentment comes from the Latin word resentir - to feel over and over again. By repeatedly re-experiencing the old resentments, we are less apt to our hear our intuition, which exists only in the present. 

When Jean married, she had not completed her unfinished business with her father. Consequently, she projected her old resentments onto her husband.  Her desire to love him was distorted by the hurt and anger from the past. This is why it is said that until we complete our source relationships, we are never truly in another relationship. 

Forgiving can also help you take back your  power. As long as you believe that someone else's actions are the cause of your present difficulties, you are powerless to change. Letting go of blame allows you to take responsibility for your life. 

All this adds up to a single point. Forgiveness is an act of self-kindness. It liberates your life force. It completes the past. Choose now to heal your old unfinished business. It's time to let go of the pain. Place your hurt on an alter and surrender it to God. Set yourself and others free.


1. I forgive and forget.
2. I am at peace with all that happens.
3. I release the old hurts.
4. I open my heart again.
5. I remember the past without the pain.
6. Your Own _____________

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays : Open Your Heart Again

As I read today's excerpt I kept nodding my head in agreement and felt a refreshing sense of renewal take over as I absorbed the message. It was a gentle reminder of such an important lesson in life. In a world with so much negativity it can be so easy to allow our hearts to harden, thinking that we are protecting ourselves.  In actual fact we are depriving ourselves from living life to the fullest and preventing ourselves from experiencing love to it's fullest. My wish for you reading this is to practice what Bloch is teaching here, challenge your past, give yourself permission to be vulnerable, and watch as your world changes for the better.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

Open Your Heart Again

One of the most moving examples of the opening of a hardened heart is the story of Scrooge in Dicken's A Christmas Carol.  At an early age, Scrooge concluded that the world was a hard and cruel place. Making the accumulation of money his primary goal, he closed himself off from his fellow human beings. Although he attained worldly riches, he was spiritually desolate. 

The on Christmas Eve, he was graced with the opportunity to make a new choice - to open his heart to life. His physical wealth began to have a purpose. After his conversion, he paid for the operation that healed tiny Tim and contributed to numerous charities throughout London. 

I tell this story because there is a Scrooge in every one of us. In some area of life, you and I have hardened our hearts. Perhaps it is a former lover whom we have not forgiven; or we are angry at a political group that opposes our point of view; or an early wound has left a trail of hurt and cynicism. 

Whatever the person or circumstance, the solution is the same - open your heart again. If the old pain comes to surface, relax and breathe into the hurt. As your heart softens and expands, a deep compassion will fill your being. Like Scrooge, you are being reborn to a new life. You are being redeemed by the healing power of love. 


1. I open myself to the power of love.
2. I allow the hard places in my heart to soften.
3. I release all past hurts and resentments.
4. I am willing to risk again.
5. The more vulnerable I become, the more love I can experience.
6. Your Own _________________.

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Summer Soiree

Washer toss, darts, family, and food. I can't think of a better way to spend the weekend. We packed up our bags on Friday and headed out to the big city for a few days of family fun with my partner's Dad and step mom. It's been far too long since the last time we saw them, so we spent Friday evening catching up on all the good news.

Saturday the boys woke up bright and early for a father son fishing adventure. From the pictures and stories it sounded like they had quite the time! Between the two of them they caught 11 fish - which they released back into the pond afterwards of course! While they rested up from their big morning, Krista and I headed out to pick up some Father's Day presents. Once we made it back to the homestead it was time to set up for the big soiree! What a time we had! It was great to see familiar faces and meet new ones. I was so happy Craig was able to be with his family again. The spread of food was mouthwatering and seemed to have no end! From salads to burgers, chips, and cake. There was no way you leaving this party without a full belly.

Sunday morning came to fast and before we knew it we were packing our bags and hitting the highway again. Krista and I have decided to be in charge of the get togethers from here on in haha. At least this way it'll happen more than once a year. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks for breaky Krista and Big T!

And so that brings us to today, Monday. Another week started and already the to-do list is growing ever so big. I'm so excited to announce that the seats in my art classes are filling up. It's going to be so much fun! Well it's time for me to head back to the cave and get messy with the paints. Hope you all created yourself a fun weekend too!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Liberate Your Inner Artist

 It's time to liberate your inner artist!!

 I want to share my love for art with YOU!

Starting July 5th I will be offering both private and group art classes from my nest.  Are you ready to get messy with acrylics? It doesn't matter if you already express yourself with art, or have never touched a paint brush before. My classes are personalized for all levels. Gain confidence as you learn how to express yourself through painting. In an encouraging creative environment setting we will explore the world of art as we learn new techniques, study the masters, and experiment with different styles of painting.

So how will this work? 

Given the limited amount of space I have, group classes will have a maximum of 5 artists. Which means you must book  and pay for your seat before the class to ensure you have a spot. When you message me to confirm your seat we can arrange for payment. Over the next few days I will have all classes posted on my  facebook page  along with descriptions and cost my events section on my page, as well as on my website. All materials will be covered in the cost of class unless otherwise specified. If materials are not included, I will send you a list once you are registered of the materials required and where to purchase them. This list will have two options for supplies depending on your budget.

There are different age groups for the classes. These groups are broken down into ages 7-12, 13-17, and 18+.  Be sure when registering that you chose the correct age group. Some classes, like Pepperoni and Pointillism will be offered on an ongoing basis. Each class we will do a different painting.

Interested in a private lesson? We can pick from classes available, or customize a class that suits your level and interest.

When you arrive be sure to be wearing old clothes. Acrylic paint will not come out of your clothes. No need to dress to impress here haha!

Are you as excited as I am? I hope so! Can't wait to see you and get our art on!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays : Healing the Inner Child

Oh how I love today's excerpt. Since 2008 I have been practicing this way of living. It has made a world of a difference to my quality of life. It was introduced to me as a tool to help me cope with a traumatic childhood. At first I struggled with the concept so I printed off a picture of myself as a young child and glued it on a canvas surrounding it with paint, glitter, and an affirmation. This helped me visualize the concept of healing my inner child and made it easier to implement into my life. With time it became easier to listen to my inner child without using a visual. I have found a lot more balance in my life since I started healing and listening to my inner child. In my opinion it's definitely worth a try!

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

Healing the Inner Child

The other day I passed by a homeless person sleeping in the street. I studied his face - rough, tired, defeated. As I experienced compassion for his situations, I went back in time and imagined what he looked like as an infant - full of hope and expectation. I also realized that despite the outward circumstances, this inner child was still alive within him. For the next few days I perceived the inner child behind the masks of all whom I encountered.

What does the inner child want? It wants to be held, touched, and loved. It wants to belong. It wants to have fun, laugh, and play. What does this inner child provide? It gives us aliveness, energy, joy and vitality. It gives us curiosity and a sense of wonder. It gives us life.

Most of us have paid too little attention to the child within. In a culture where striving for success makes a life of "serious" business, we suffer from a common malady - a lack of connection with our childlike nature and the joy it brings. 

It is said, "Unless you become as little as a child, you cannot enter the kingdom of God." Resolve each day to ask your child what he or she needs or wants. Spend time getting to know him or her. Then note the increased vitality that comes from connecting with that central part of yourself. 


1. I love my inner child.
2. I give my inner child the attention it asks for.
3. I now allow my inner child to participate in my daily affairs.
4. My life is filled with joy.
5. I create ample time for play.
6. Your Own ________________

Saturday, June 9, 2012

East Coastin' Adventures

I just had the most incredible week!  With a whirl wind of changes in my life recently, this past week was refreshing. My dear friend, and soul sister Andi came to visit me. Coming all the way from Ontario, this was her first visit out east and the adventures were endless.

Saturday morning we woke up bright and early and took in some successful yard sale treasure hunting. Andi found me a fabulous bar chair set to go in our kitchen along with a Moroccan style lamp. We then headed off to Maltby Stables where we took in a horseback riding lesson. The instructor was amazing, and the experience was one we won't soon forget. She also got to meet some of the girls I am friends with here. We then headed to the cabin for a few hours where we explored the beach while the tide was out and enjoyed a lazy afternoon in the sun.

With a new found taste for the salty air, our next adventure lead us out to Partridge Island where we had a picnic in the car on the beach. It was way too cold and windy to set up and eat outside haha.  When we finished our yummy lunch, we bundled up for a quick stroll on the beach. Spotting some interesting driftwood the two of us walked right into a pond and our shoes were soaked right through!
Back into the car we went with the heat on high to dry off. As we made our way to our next destination a sign caught our eyes. "From Away". I had to stop and get a picture of my mainlander friend (also known as my CFA - come from away friend) standing by this sign. We popped into the store for a little looky-loo and fell right in love! The owner is quite the character and has the most interesting collection of treasures from around the world, or as his store is rightfully named, from away. Andi found some fun and colourful presents there. After an interesting conversation with the owner, we then headed to Driftwood Beach. That's where the start of our hilarious self timer photos began. Oh my, what an epic time we had trying to get a picture of the two of us. On our way home we stopped to admire the most beautiful pair of horses who were just right in love with each other. Using our left over carrots from snack we won their affection.

Our next adventure brought us over the bridge to the land of red! We spent the day in Summerside, Prince Edward Island. I had arranged a lunch date with another friend of ours who we haven't seen since 2008. I met Rhonda at the hotel and was trying to stall her until Andi came in to surprise her. I should mention that I fail at surprises. In attempts to stall Rhonda and keep her in the lobby where Andi could easily find her, I said I had to use the bathroom. I didn't want to miss the moment of shock, so I was peeping my head around the corner to see if Andi had made her entrance yet. Well...I failed and got caught by Rhonda haha. I must have looked like a creeper. I said something along the lines of how confusing the hallways were, and luckily that's when Andi came through the doors. Well I thought Rhonda was going to fall right through the floor!! It was so awesome to be in the company of these women again. We had a delicious lunch followed by a wonderful tour around town. The beach we had stopped at was a one stop shop for beach combing. I found beautiful shells, beach glass and a giant piece of beach pottery. Yahoo!! Before we knew it, it was time to drive across that bridge again. We said our goodbyes and arranged for another date. There's going to be some time had July 2014! hehe

Our last great adventure for the week brought us to New Brunswick where we took in some local arts and crafts and enjoyed a giant feed at the Big Stop. The weather wasn't the best for adventuring so we decided to head home for an evening of relaxing before we had to send Andi back on the plane the next day. I also suck at goodbyes, so after a quick picture and big giant hug, I headed back home, sad to see her go, but so happy to know she will be returning next year.

I hope you had a fabulous first time experience to the East Coast Andi! It was beyond fabulous having you as our first guest in our first nest and we can't wait to have you back next year!
Ps next time we have to make it to the best of the east coast provinces - Newfoundland ;)

Representing Project brEAThe in the Northumberland Strait

Myself, Andi, and Rhonda

Shemar tries to sneak into Andi's carry on
The b'ys and their ladies

 In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.
-Albert Schweitzer

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Better the Pain Than to Remain the Same

Finally I have found the time to post 'Thoughtful Tuesday' for this week. I have a very very dear friend from up away visiting me. Her first time to the east coast! So our days have been filled with adventures, sight seeing, and oodles of fun. All this fresh salt air had us both in bed too early yesterday. I have lots to I want to say about this blog,  but I will leave it just as the excerpt and let it stir up thoughts in your mind. Feel free to share in the comments. Well it's time for me to sign off, we have another adventure calling us!

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

Better the Pain Than to Remain the Same

The Babara I met at my high school reunion was not the same person I had known a decade ago. A sensitive and caring person stood in the place of the driven and manipulative individual I remembered.  Her soft gaze spoke of new compassion and understanding. I asked a friend of Barbara's how this transformation occurred. "It's very simple," The friend replied. "She's been to hell and back".

Babara's story is universal. It is the experience of pain - physical, emotional, or spiritual - that inspires us to start the search for  something more. Many great teachers and healers began their spiritual quest as a way to cope with the pain of an illness, divorce, or similar loss. This discomfort forced them to abandon the status quo and take a new and uncharted course, a course that led to a major transformation. 

Is pain the only way we can grow and transform? Not necessarily. As we work on ourselves and learn from out mistakes, the ups and downs of life become less intense. Lessons come in a more gentle manner. Once the heart is opened, it takes less effort to keep it that way.

You are moving to that point where joy and bliss are all-encompassing. Until then, your pain can be your greatest teacher.


1. I make my pain holy by finding meaning in it.
2. A broken heart is an open heart.
3. Because of my trials, I am wiser and more compassionate person.
4. My pain has deepened me.
5. As I learn the lessons of my pain,  my need for the pain decreases.
6. Your Own ___________________