Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Turning It Over

Personally I found I had to sift a lot through this excerpt to listen to the message given. I think I found it though. I struggle with 'handing things over' to anyone. In doing so I feel as though I have given up. However, I realize  the root of this post means does not reflect defeat at all. With some slight modifications to the vocabulary and examples I think I found something that will work for me. Years ago someone brought it to my attention that I worry to much, about everything, anything, and nothing. Similar to the example given in this post, she had suggested I close my eyes and imagine myself  placing my worries/problems in bubbles. I could place them all in one bubble, or individually place them. Regardless, they were leaving my mind and moving into those bubbles. I then pictured them floating away. I first I thought I was just as well off doing the Hokey-Pokey, but the more I invested in the bubbles and opened my mind to them, the more I realize there is some truth in this. So whether you turn 'it' over to a bubble, an altar, an angel, or a magical unicorn (haha) I hope you find this to be another helpful tool to add to your toolbox of life skills.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

*Feel free to change the word 'God' to fit your belief system. I directly quoted Bloch's work.

Turning It Over 

There comes a time in facing a challenge when we have done all that we can, and still the situation remains unresolved. This is the time to turn the problem over and release our cares into the hands of spirit. When we let the Universe take charge, anything becomes possible. God can do for  us what we could not do for ourselves. 

If you find that you have reached such an impasse, try the following: in your mind's eye place the problem upon an imaginary altar. Then say, "I turn this over to you, spirit. From now on, you are in charge." As you walk away from the altar, feel the inner peace which comes from knowing that all is in the Divine hands. 

Despairing of ever getting published, a young writer used this approach. He placed his manuscript on his inner alter and moved on to another project. Two weeks later, the book was accepted by a major publisher for a substantial advance. Turning to his agent he said, "I want to thank whoever is responsible, because it clearly wasn't me."

It's goof to realize that we do not have to do everything alone. Help is available. Invisible hands come to support us at the right time. As the psalmist assures us, "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and HE shall sustain thee."


1. When I have done all I can, I turn over the outcome to God.
2. I release my attachment to the results.
3. I step out of the way and let spirit do its work.
4. Spirit is doing for me what I cannot do for myself.
5. I attract perfect support when I need it.
6. Your Own _______________.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays: One Step at a Time

A dear friend of mine once told me, "You are building the foundation for your life. Make sure it is strong before you start building on top of it." During a time of complete chaos and faint sight of hope, these words  stuck to my mind and soul like hot porridge sticks to your belly on a cold winter day. Comforting me at first, before helping me refocus my attention and energy into the present moment instead of getting caught up in 'future tripping'. It has taken a lot of practice to be mindful of the present moment and try not to skip ahead. It's not easy, and I still wish I could see into the future sometimes. Know if I made the right decision, or how a particular situation will unfold itself. This excerpt is a great reminder for me to slow down and enjoy each step as they come instead of skipping a few as I race to the finish line. I believe affirmations 2, 3 and 5 will be a great tool to help me practice this skill. I hope you find this excerpt helpful. Create yourself a great present moment folks! Enjoy each and every single step in your journey.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

One Step at a Time

An important key to progress on the path is to take it one step at a time. Just as investing a little on a regular basis builds up long-term wealth, the little gains we make each day pay off in spiritual dividends. As a successful musical group explained, "We spent years preparing for our over-night success."

Taking it one step at a time means living in the present moment, letting life gradually reveal itself to us. Some people get nervous and want to know what is going to happen. But how can we know an outcome that hasn't yet occurred?! Trust in the process, and the perfect result will occur.

When our faiths wavers, we often get ahead of ourselves and try to figure out what is going to happen. This "future tripping" removes us from our source of guidance in the present. Sometimes we try to hit it big in a hurry. But there is no fooling the Universe. Sooner or later we will have to go back and retrace the steps that we skipped. The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. 

Whatever the goal or desire, approach it one step at a time. Small measures consistently taken guarantee progress. Eventually you will emerge victorious, having attained a reward that you will have truly earned. 

1. I patiently work towards my good.
2. Each new step is revealed to me precisely when I need it.
3. By living in the present, I create a wonderful future.
4. I trust in my guidance.
5. My life is unfolding perfectly.
6. Your Own _____________.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Take A Bow

My show at Bella's has come to an end. I can't believe it started seven months ago! I want to give a very special thank you to the owner's and staff and Bella's Cafe and Bistro for displaying my work and providing me with the opportunity to join other local artists in a show that was intended to raise awareness towards mental health. My first paintings of 2012 along with a special guest appearance from my last painting of 2011 were included in the show. I was very fortunate and sold two paintings from this collection! YAHOO!

As I picked up my paintings and brought them home a slight sadness came over me. It has been a long time since I worked on paintings for art shows, galleries, or even just my online collection. I feel as though I need to clone myself. One Sadie to work on marketing, one Sadie to work on paintings, one Sadie to teach classes, and one Sadie to work at Telus hahaha. I don't think the world could handle more that many Sadie's,  one is more than enough. So back to my trusty agenda I go and see how I can organize my time so I can get back into the cave and dive into painting again. I'd love to seek out new opportunities for shows and put more energy back into my paintings again for sales and exposure.

In the meantime, I must get ready for work, and then return home for a painting class!! YAHOO! So on that note, create yourself a great day folks!!

The remaining three paintings are still available for sale;

These Strings Bring Wisdom
Acrylic on Canvas
$70 plus S&H

New Growth
Acrylic on Canvas
$120 plus S&H

Beautiful Spirit
Acrylic on Canvas
$400 plus S&H

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays: The Eleventh Hour

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

*Feel free to change the word 'God' to fit your belief system. I directly quoted Bloch's work.

The Eleventh Hour

Recently I witnessed the birth of my friend's third child. Because of the infant's large size, labor proved more difficult than expected. After eight hours of strenuous contractions, in pain and totally exhausted, the mother resigned herself to a Caesarean section. 

Then a gentle and sympathetic doctor arrived. He suggested that we elevate the mother's legs and slightly rotate the hips. With these subtle changes, the momentum shifted. The birth process accelerated. Beginning with the head and then the shoulders, a healthy baby Patrick sprang from the womb. 

The experience can only be described as miraculous. At the moment everyone gave up, grace descended. A force outside of ourselves intervened and "in the twinkling of an eye" the situation  changed. Before we knew it, the birth had occurred.

The next time you are stuck and feel like there is no way out, think of baby Patrick. Like him, you may be just moments away from a glorious new life. Soon, you will be pushed through the birth canal into the light of day. 


1. I am in the process of being reborn.
2. I can see sense the light at the end of the tunnel.
3. Just when all seems lost, help arrives.
4. I call on the Universe and am lifted to safety.
5. I am never given more than God and I can handle.
6. Your Own ___________.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Keep the Faith

I'm a big worry rat. In fact I'm an over-worrier. It can be incredibly draining and at times a very large waste of energy. For awhile I worried about my art classes. Would there be a demand? Would they be successful? Then I worried that the classes would not be enough to support myself financially so I began to worry about finding another job. My latest worry is finding a way to balance both a full time job and the art classes. It seems that once again Bloch's book came to the rescue for me with another well timed post. So I will keep this in mind during the next few weeks as I make some major and minor changes to my lifestyle. I will definitely practice affirmation number 2 and 4. I will also try to spend less time worrying about everyone and everything and instead focus on celebrating my accomplishments and successes. Things will work out exactly as they are destined to.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

Keep the Faith

When following the inner voice, one must deal with the experience of uncertainty. The future is not laid out and neatly planned. There are no guarantees. In the end, it all comes down to trust - trusting that the support will be there; that the money will come; that if one path does not work out, another will open up. 

We can develop this trust from experience/ We step out in faith the first time, and the Universe supports us. We step out again and the assistance is there. After several  experiences, we begin to feel comfortable living by faith - our "invisible means of support." We no longer need to know ahead of time how everything will work out. 

So make the decision. Let go of the worry, the anxiety, and the doubt. Have faith in your connection to universal principles, for it is here that your true security lies. The Universe will not abandon you if you maintain your connection to it. Keep the faith, and the faith will keep you. 


1. I am led by my Higher Power.
2. I trust my intuition to guide and direct my way.
3. My will and the Divine are one.
4. I release my need to worry and doubt.
5. Every day my faith is growing stronger.
6. Your Own _____________.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Art Classes Information and FAQ's

As some of you may have noticed I have recently posted information regarding art classes on my Facebook page as well as on my website. I thought I would use my blog as an opportunity to explain these changes for classes and private lessons. Below you will find a copy of the post. It includes information on class prices, how to register for a class, and other frequently asked questions.

I began teaching art classes in Amherst over the summer. At the time it was my only job so I was fortunate enough to be very flexible when choosing my hours for classes and private lessons. I offer my classes at low prices to ensure everyone has the opportunity to explore their inner artist. Despite the significant increase in class popularity, I had to seek out another means of income. I was recently hired on for a full time position with Telus. So far I'm really enjoying the new career avenue and opportunities that come with it. With this full time position comes a more limited schedule for my classes. During this time as I learn to combine the two schedules some classes are subject to change depending on my hours. I will try my best to make this transition an easy one with as much notice as possible. Due to this it is important that everyone is aware of the process for confirming seats and what to do in the event that you must cancel. All this information is provided below.

I thank you all for your understanding and patience at this time. Hopefully it will be a quick transition period.  I want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to explore their creative side and liberate their inner artist.  Feel free to message me at any time if you want to inquire about booking a private lesson or join a class.

Class Information

Classes are $15.00 plus tax (that's $17.25 all together). Materials may be extra and if so it will be stated in the class description. In the event that materials are extra you  can choose to pay an additional fee to have materials included.

Private Individual Lessons are $25.00 plus tax (that's $28.75 all together). Materials may be extra and if so it will be stated in the class description. In the event that materials are extra you can choose to pay an additional fee to have materials included.

Private Group Lessons are $15.00 plus tax per person. (that's $17.25 all together). Materials may be extra and if so it will be stated in the class description. In the event that materials are extra you can choose to pay an additional fee to have materials included. Private group lessons require a minimum of 3 people and a maximum of 5.

Class descriptions including fees and seat availability can be found under the 'Events' section on my page as well as on my website.

All classes including private group lessons have a maximum of 5 seats.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What ages do you teach?
A: At this time I have classes available for ages 7-12, 13-17, and 18+.  Private lessons start from ages 5+.

Q: What kind of experience do I need?
A: No experience is necessary. All of the classes are designed to help artists of all levels explore their creative side.

Q: Do I need to wear a smock or old clothes?
A: For most of the classes we will be using acrylic paints which does not wash out of clothes. It is best to wear something you don't mind getting a little messy.  

Q: How do I save my seat?
A: To confirm your seat you must send me a private message or email me at sadiejane26@hotmail.ca . I will then send you directions and a materials list if required.

Q: When should I save my seat?
A: To ensure you have a seat please try to confirm it ASAP and no later than 6pm the day before the class. In the event that there are still available seats for the class you can contact me the day of and if at all possible I will fit you in.

Q: On the event page for the class I said I was 'going'. Doesn't this count as confirmation?
A: Unfortunately just clicking the 'going' or 'maybe' option in the event is not official confirmation. A private message or email must be sent to confirm your seat. I will then send you directions and a materials list if required.

Q: How do I pay for my class?
A: Payments are to be made in cash. You can choose to pay in advance or the day of your class. If you wish to pre pay for your classes you can do so through Pay-Pal or other arrangements can be made in private discussion. Cheques are not accepted.  

Q: It says materials are extra. Where can I purchase them?
A: Once you have confirmed your seat through private message or e-mail I will send you a list of required materials including locations where they can be purchased and prices.

Q: Do you give sibling discounts?
A: Unfortunately sibling discounts are not available. I have chosen to offer art classes at low prices to ensure everyone has the opportunity to explore their inner artist.

Q: How do students complete art projects so quickly in one of your classes?
A:  A lot of work is done behind the scenes prior to the class. In fact hours are spent researching, creating, and managing time to ensure the students experience an educational and fun class where they are able to bring home their very own masterpieces in a reasonable time frame. 

Q: What If I have to cancel my seat?
A:  In the event that you have to cancel your seat please give me at least 24 hours notice. Contact me through private message on my Facebook page or by e-mail at sadiejane26@hotmail.ca.  This allows others who may be interested in coming enough notice so they can liberate their inner artist as well. If you have to cancel the day of classes you still have to pay for your seat. We will discuss payment arrangements privately.

  ☮ ♥ ㋡
Sadie Jane