Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays : A Satisfied Mind

 I've experienced first hand those who live a life where they believe happiness can 'only' be found in the amount of dollar signs in their wallet, or the latest purchase from a store. I've seen those who strive to be the best in their field leaving other areas of their life - loved ones, personal nurturing time, etc on the far back burner. I have also experienced first hand, those who work respective careers / jobs to pay their expenses and also have balance by finding their happiness in other areas of life.  Those who have taken the time to look inside and find peace. I can tell you one thing, their happiness is far more pure and lasts far longer than the first group of people I mentioned. Despite how 'happy' the first group appears, I've seen them with their masks are off, when their guard is down. Peace of mind is not on their list.

If you are anything like me, please do not let the 'biblical story' shared in this excerpt stop you from reading the message. Last weekend I was compared to a biblical story. I took it word for word instead of hearing the root moral of the tale. Once I stepped back and had someone explain to me the message of the story and what was trying to be told me, I became far less rattled and appreciated the conversation more.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

*Feel free to change the word 'God' to fit your belief system. I directly quoted Bloch's work.

A Satisfied Mind

A wise physician once said, "If you love your health, you've lost a great deal; but if you lose your peace of mind, you've lost everything!" A positive state of mind is a truly precious asset. 

We live in a world that places a premium on doing. Our happiness is measured by the size of our bank account or a list of our accomplishments. But all of our doing cannot substitute for a peaceful state of being - what the gospel singer calls "a satisfied mind".

This idea is illustrated in the biblical story of Mary and Martha. While Martha was rushing about trying to manipulate the world of effects, Mary turned within and raised her state of consciousness. Jesus comments, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled by many things. But one thing is needed. Mary has been chosen the part which will not be taken from her. "

By making a satisfied mind her first priority, Mary had chosen wisely. You, too, can rise above the strife and confusion of the external world and experience the "peace of God, which passeth all understanding." In carrying this peace into your outer activities, you will become a far more powerful and effective force for change. 


1. I value and nurture my inner life.
2. I go within and tap the experiences of love, peace, and joy.
3. I am serene and content.
4. I give myself time to be.
5. I enjoy relaxing and being at rest.
6. Your Own _______________.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thoughtfu Tuesdays : The Wisdom of Insecurity

As I read this excerpt from Bloch's book, I began to reflect on this past weekend. So many events and conversations were based around this theme. This was a hard weekend. I felt as though it was life testing me to see just how much I have learned recently. I'm pretty sure life was also making up for every lesson I've avoided learning and growing from my whole life because it crammed just about every situation ever into that short span of time. I think I passed it though. Regardless this post will come in handy in the days, weeks, and months to come. I hope you find it just as helpful folks!

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

*Feel free to change the word 'God' to fit your belief system. I directly quoted Bloch's work.

The Wisdom of Insecurity

Life is dynamic and ever changing. There are no guarantees. The "security" that so many search for does not exist; the best that we can hope for is "temporary stability." 

In searching for that elusive security, it is easy to fall into a rut and feel trapped by circumstances. But circumstances can control us only when we give them power to do so. Every day we read stories of individuals who have decided to break out of the mold and to do something outrageous. 

Accepting the wisdom of insecurity is liberating. Knowing that nothing is certain reminds us to keep life fluid and to live one day at a time. When my best friend and I traveled the country, not knowing where we would be from week to week, life became an ongoing adventure. 
Although we had nothing, we possessed everything.

Are there any places in your life where you feel trapped or stuck? Remember that nothing can trap you unless you let it. It is never too late for change. 


1. My true security rests in my connection to my Higher Power.
2. I live a day at a time and let the future take care of itself.
3. I am open to change at any moment.
4. My life is full of possibilities.
5. I have faith in myself and in God to cope with any situation that arises.
6. Your Own _______________.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays: If God Seems Far Away, Who Moved?

At first the title of this excerpt made me a little uneasy. In fact when I opened the book and read the name, I put the book down and starting sorting through my pictures from Thanksgiving.  I knew I  still had to post for Thoughtful Tuesdays, so I returned to the book and continued to read past the heading. I actually enjoyed the post and found it reflected the things I have been practicing in my daily life in regards to meditation, trusting my intuition, and so on. With that said, I think I will have to create my own affirmations to help me implement this concept into my life more. All the same it was a better post that I first thought. Guess that makes the old saying true ' Don't judge a book by it's cover", or in this case an excerpt by it's title.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

*Feel free to change the word 'God' to fit your belief system. I directly quoted Bloch's work.

 If God Seems Far Away, Who Moved?

At the center of our being a fullness of life exists that wants to flow through us as vitality, love, harmony, happiness, and success. Why, then, are we not more in touch with it?

Consider the following image. You are standing outside on a bright, cloudless day complaining that you cannot see the sun, when you notice that you have been standing under an umbrella. If as little a thing as an umbrella can block out the magnificence of the sun, how easy it is for our fears, doubts, and feelings of unworthiness to block the connection to our source. But just as the sun continues to shine even behind the appearance of clouds, our inner knowing is ready to communicate with  us in the midst of our despair. 

How do we reopen the channels and allow the flow to reenter our lives? First, we must truly desire to communicate with out center and set aside a time each day to do so. Then, get quiet and begin to listen.  Soon you will hear that still small voice within.

Your divine self is patiently waiting for you to acknowledge it. It is quietly but persistently knocks on the door of your consciousness. Open that door and a presence of love and joy will fill your being. 


1. I hear the knock of truth upon the door of my consciousness, and I rush to respond.
2. God's presence enters to fill my soul, and I experience a deep and joyous peace.
3. From a place deep within me, I feel content.
4. Each day, I am more in touch with my intuition.
5. I am continually nourished by a fountain of love that springs from my center.
6. Your Own ____________________.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays : The Readiness Is All

Have I told you I'm impatient yet? That I like instant results? I may have mentioned it in passing before. Haha. I may have also mentioned that since 2008 I have been practicing mindfulness. Now granted I am no zen master, but the work I have invested so far has proven that I must be on the right track.

When I first began teaching art classes I had expectations. I put my heart and soul into my lesson planning. This was my opportunity to pursue my dreams. Correction, this was my first opportunity to pursue my dreams. I thought I was ready. No one signed up. My heart broke. I didn't give up though. My second opportunity arose when I found success at Clay Cafe Avalon through art camps. My name was not established yet in the arts community, Clay Cafe however was well established and incredibly popular. Thanks to Jamie who believed in me, I was able to design and instruct the art camps offered at her business. The feedback was incredible. The experience unforgettable. I got my feet wet and I loved it. I drew to myself the experience I needed to help manifest my dreams of teaching art. I was ready to keep this going. The world however wasn't ready for me. So despite my hard headed personality (blame it on being Aries), I decided to put the classes on the back burner for a bit. I invested my energy into other areas of my life. I didn't let the light of my dream burn out though. As I worked on other projects I grew as a person. I learned, I explored, I watched, I listened. Finally I spoke. First it was a tiny voice. Without giving my all, I did some research on venues where I could teach, I poked here and there for an interest in art classes within the community. I wasn't ready to teach at this point but I wanted to nurture that tiny flame. Months passed by and nothing became of it. Shortly after being handed the keys to our first house it became evident that the Universe was ready for me to start investing in my dream again. I  had many delays along the way, but they were worth it. The timing was finally right and everything aligned for me to pursue my dreams again. Though it wasn't on my schedule, my readiness and the readiness of the Universe finally found a way to work in unison. That's all that matters.

And that folks, is my long winded introduction to today's Thoughtful Tuesday's post. I hope you enjoy it. I hope it creates an opportunity to reflect on your experiences that are similar and inspire you to hang in there a little longer ;)

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

*Feel free to change the word 'God' to fit your belief system. I directly quoted Bloch's work.

The Readiness Is All

As we follow the path of our inner voice, timing plays a critical role. We draw to ourselves the experiences we need, when we need them. As each phase is mastered, the next appears. 

It is when we try to force or rush things that trouble arises. Children who are pushed to achieve too early in life burn out at a young age. Receiving something before you are ready for it can be worse than not getting it at all. This is why a wise person once said, "I pray not for enlightenment, but simply to be ready when it comes."

Sometimes we think that we are ready for some good when in fact we are not. The delay we suffer often indicate that more time and preparation are needed. Several years ago, a friend wrote a screenplay that she was sure was ready to be made into a movie. At the time, no one was interested. Five years later, she became inspired to rewrite the script and alter the plot. A studio immediately made an offer. 

If you are facing delays in your plans, remember the saying, "with every delay, there's a blessing on it's way." Be patient and do what is required. When the time is right, the result you are seeking will manifest itself with ease. And because you are ready for it, it will be ready for you. 


1. My life unfolds in perfect Divine order.
2. As I open myself to success, success opens to me.
3. Whatever I am ready for is ready for me.
4. I am ready for the prosperity and abundance to flow into my life.
5. I live according to the Universe's time schedule.
6. Your Own ______________.