Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Acceptance

Bloch succeeds in giving me goosebumps again as I read and post today's Thoughtful Tuesday blog. My Pop's funeral is this weekend and with it brings up many emotions, thoughts, and memories. While I am not in denial about what happened, I am also not truly accepting of it either. My Pop's passing is the main focus with my attention these days, however this excerpt also can apply to many other areas in my life. With some experience in practicing this, I realize the powerful effect it can have and will actively work on this exercise in not only the following days, but weeks, and months and so on. I hope you as well find this helpful and I send you all positive thoughts and energy.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.


One of life's paradoxes  is that in order to change an unwanted situation, we must first accept it the way it is. If you wish to move forward in your life, first make peace with what you are presently experiencing. 

John was working at a job that he had ceased to enjoy and could not wait to leave. Yet despite his extensive job search, he was unable to find new employment. Realizing that you can't leave a situation without spiritual injury unless you leave it lovingly, John decided to make peace with his job and to bless the people in it. This change of attitude freed him to move on to new employment. 

Accepting people as they are is also transformational. For years, a man tried to get his elderly mother to stop complaining. One day he gave up trying to change her and accept her faults. This experience of unconditional love opened her heart to the point where she stopped condemning herself and others. 

If there is some area of your life that you are seeking to change, first practice acceptance. By acknowledging where you are giving thanks for the good that you have received, you will release an energy that will transform you and your present circumstances. 


1. I bless and accept where I am.
2. I love and support myself and others just the way we are.
3. I forgive myself for being imperfect.
4. I see the purpose and meaning of my present circumstances.
5. I a at peace with myself and the world.
6. Your Own _____________.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Oneness

Love this blog post.
My apologies for not posting this morning as I usually do, and for not having a little intro. This month has been a tangly one for me and I am not up to par with my usual self. I hope next month I can hit a refresh button and start again. I hope you appreciate the message in this post and try to share it in your life.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

*Feel free to change the word 'God' to fit your belief system. I directly quoted Bloch's work.


A fundamental principle of the universe is that of a oneness. A basic unity connects all of creation. On a cellular level, the DNA of all living organisms is virtually identical. Despite appearances, we are more similar than different.

Why, then, does conflict and fighting persist within the human family? Because the ego, the separate self, maintains the illusion of separateness. We mistakenly believe that our interests are different from our neighbor's and act to oppose the so-called enemy. 

The changing nature of the world is forcing us to change our thinking. We live in a global economy and environment where all fates are interconnected. When rain forests are cut down in the Amazon, the climate is warmed in New York. What happens to my neighbor directly impacts my life.

Take time to meditate on the oneness of humankind. See yourself as a citizen of planet Earth as well as a member of the human community, not bound to any group or nation. We are one body. As each of us makes this shift in consciousness, ripples will spread through the group mind until we recognize the truth expressed by the cosmic strip character Pogo: "We has met the enemy, and he is us."


1. I am joined in consciousness with my brothers and sisters around the planet.
2. I am more like others than I am different.
3. I forgive those who I perceive have wronged me.
4. I make peace with y so-called enemies.
5.  I a connected to all beings.
6. Your Own ___________

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Amazing Grace

I tried to find a way to create an introduction that will emphasis how much I believe in this excerpt without getting too personal. I tried to think of something clever to say to transition into the post. The more I thought about it the more I realized I should let the beauty and truth speak for itself.

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

*Feel free to change the word 'God' to fit your belief system. I directly quoted Bloch's work.

Amazing Grace 

For those who walk the path of the inner voice, grace is the ultimate blessing. Not only are we guided by grace, but it is grace that has enable us to take the first step on this wondrous journey.

Think of times when you were lifted out of disaster at the eleventh hour. Recall those turning points when unseen forces intervened in your life. The right job turned up when you needed it. Through a series of seemingly coincidences, you were led to a person who provided the help you were seeking. An unexpected source of money arrived to pay the bills. 

As a cloud-covered sky can block out rays of the sun, so our doubts and fear can block the perception of God's grace. Still, the sun is always shining, even when we can't see it. The help is still there, even when we don't realize it. And in the midst of our unbelief, grace still enters our lives. 

We are not alone. We may call it a guardian angel or unexplained good fortune, but there is a benevolent force at work in our lives, guiding us each step along the way. More than anything else, the experience of grace gives us the courage to continue listening to that inner voice. for the love that has guided you to this point would not have done so unless it was prepared to lead you on - to the fulfillment of your highest and truest calling.


1. I give thanks for the good that has graced my life.
2. I am truly blessed.
3. I appreciate all the help I receive.
4. My life overflows with abundance and prosperity.
5. The light of God surrounds me.
6. Your Own______________

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Let Peace Begin Within Me

Whoopsie Daisies! I was so excited about Halloween last week and creating my costume that I completely forgot all about posting "Thoughtful Tuesdays".  Honest to goodness, I barely blog outside of Thoughtful Tuesdays now that I wear my mega busy pants haha, but I make sure I create time to do Thoughtful Tuesdays. I look forward to them. I start thinking about the on Sunday mornings. Anyways, so sorry. So here it is, on time this week, but one blog behind, Thoughtful Tuesday!

I love this excerpt from Bloch. It speaks volumes for how to create change in our world. Once again, I am no expert but I do try to practice this in my life and it truly makes a difference. In the way  I think and act, in the way others act and react around me. I also try to expose myself to those who live with peace inside, or who at least are trying. And once again, a ripple effect is created in the process. 

The following is an exact excerpt from the book Listening To Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch. I in no way possess any ownership of the following. I am simply sharing the thoughts, expressions and words of an author who has inspired me.

Let Peace Begin With Me

For the dream of world peace to become a reality, the  most important link in the process must be the individual. Because the individual mind is connected to the collective or group mind., each person's peacefulness elevates the group consciousness. This truth is expressed in the lyrics from a popular song, "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me."

The greatest obstacle to peace is fear. Fear arises from the experience of separation. Love, which joins and unifies all things, is the antidote to fear. Our task, then, is to release the old thoughts of fear and separation and replace them with thoughts of love and unity. This shift occurs moment by moment, as we learn to choose peace over conflict. 

One person committed to peacefulness is a powerful force in the universe. When a small but significant number of people engage in this process, all of huanity will feel the change. You have your part to play in shifting the balance that will usher in a glorious new era. 

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with you. 

1. Peace of mind is my primary goal.
2. I let go of fear and experience inner peace.
3. In all of my affairs, I choose peace over conflict.
4. I would rather be happy than be right.
5. The world in which I live is a place of peace.
6. Your Own ______________